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Candleholder by Michael Powolny, Vienna, 1913
Art Deco Figure Standing Dancer with Headdress by Wilhelm Thomasch for Goldscheider, 1920s
Art Noveau Ruby Phaenomen Vase from Loetz, Klostermehle, Germany, 1900s
Rocaille en Miniature Scent Bottle with Watteau Decor from Meissen
Art Deco Standing Dancer Figurine by Wilhelm Thomasch, 1920s
Art Nouveau Glass Landscape Vase by Emile Gallé for Gallé Nancy, France, 1919
Art Deco Vienna Russian Ballet attributed to Claire Weiss for Goldscheider, 1934
Art Nouveau Pendant with Palme König Shade, Vienna, 1900s
Art Nouveau Group Capture of a Nymph attributed to Paul Helmig for Meissen, Germany, 1902
Art Nouveau Silver Jardinière with Cut Glass Liner from Wilhelm Binder, Germany, 1890s
Large Viennese Group Dancer with Violinist by Josef Lorenzl for Goldscheider Manufactory of Vienna, 1930s
Art Nouveau Wild Rose Soufflé Vase by Emile Gallé, Nancy, France, 1925
Painted Dual Lidded Rococo Box from Meissen, 1750
Large Fan Lady Figurine by Stephan Dacon, 1930
Art Nouveau Three-Lights Table Lamp, 1890s
Models 1234 907 Figurines with Jug Pitcher by Eberlein for Meissen, 1850, Set of 2
Centerpiece with Dancing Gardener Children by Johann Joachim Kaendler for Meissen, 1860s
French Pied Piper of Hamelin Figurine in Bronze attributed to Eugène Barillot, 1890s
Art Deco Japanese Girl with Cornucopia Figurine by Rudolf Podany for Keramos, Vienna, Austria, 1920s
Silver Coffee Pot, Milk Pot, Sugar Bowl & Creamer Klinkosch, Austria, 1925, Set of 4
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